The Power of the Subconscious Mind!
Posted on 10. Mar, 2010 by Administrator in Uncategorized
“In each of us, two natures are at war –the good and the evil. All our lives the fight goes on between them, and one of the must conquer. But in our hands lies the power to choose – what we want most to be we are.” Jekyll and Hyde Restaurant
The subconscious mind operates our body and mind, automatically. It is where all habits reside and where all of life’s programming and imprints take place.
The conscious mind is the seat of will power, which is a function of the decision making capability.
If we attempt to create any change, it has to be done on the level of the subconscious mind where memory, programming and habits reside.
The hypnotic state is the tool that we use as a vehicle to communicate with the subconscious mind.
Conscious Mind
Subconscious Mind
When we do things on the subconscious level we do them automatically, quicker, more efficiently and more accurately. It is a great advantage that we can relegate many tasks to the subconscious so as to free our conscious mind.
To demonstrate the functionality of the subconscious mind, try the following exercises.
Exercise #1: The A-B-C’s;
Say the entire alphabet as fast as you can, and notice how long it takes.
Next, say only every other letter. That should be easier and quicker right? Well try it by saying every other letter.
The first time around you were reciting something you already knew on the subconscious level, and thus it was easy, fast and accurate. The second time around you had to think consciously about what you were saying so, of course you found that to be a much slower process, fraught with mistakes.
Exercise #2: The hand clasp
Clasp your hands (interlacing the fingers) three times as fast as you can. Notice how comfortable, quick and easy this action is.
Now clasp your hands with the other thumb on top (interlace the opposite way).
Do it three times fast as you can and notice how uncomfortable and slow it is compared to the way you are used to doing it. Again, when you do it habitually and subconscious, it is easy and fast contrasting with the slow and cumbersome conscious way.
Exercise #3: Typing
If you know how to properly –i.e. with all fingers and without looking at the keyboard – you know how fast you can go when you ar in the flow (typing subconsciously). However, when you do stop to look at the keyboard and spell out the words (typing consciously), you find that it is much slower and you are prone to making mistakes.
Exercise #4 Driving
Remember learning to drive? Remember how difficult it was? You had to remember to place your foot on the brakes, insert the key ,start the car, use your blinkers, put it in gear, step on gas pedal etc. Then you had to deal with the traffic! Everything was done consciously thus slower and with effort. Now you can drive in rush hour without blinking an eye, with your radio on, coffee in one hand, cell phone in the other.
Learn to be more productive with less stress, solve problems quicker and easier and eliminate the blocks that are preventing you from reaching for your highest potential in your business and personal lives!