Vitality Test

Posted on 21. May, 2013 by in Mind, Body & Spirit Wisdom

A fun find that I found on NBC newsCan you do this? Simple sitting test predicts longevity.”  Here’s a short excerpt:


A simple test that looks at how easy –or difficult– it is for you to sit down on the floor and then get back up may help predict how long you’re going to live, a new study shows.

Middle-aged and elderly people who needed to use both hands and knees to get up and down were almost seven times more likely to die within six years, compared to those who could spring up and down without support, Brazilian researchers reported Thursday in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology.

Click here to read more.


Upon hearing this, I now give this test regularly to my yoga students.  Today, I’ve created a video showing a variety of ways to get up from the ground without using ones hands.

longevityClick here to watch the video

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